Acid Reflux

Red Meat And The Risk of Esophageal Cancer

Red Meat And The Risk of Esophageal Cancer

Making good choices is important for living a long and healthy life. For acid reflux/GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) sufferers, the consequences of poor dietary decisions – like an over indulgence...

Red Meat And The Risk of Esophageal Cancer

Making good choices is important for living a long and healthy life. For acid reflux/GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) sufferers, the consequences of poor dietary decisions – like an over indulgence...

woman holding throat of GERD related asthma

Asthma and GERD (Does Acid Reflux Cause Asthma?)

When one thing leads to another, the end result can be for the better – like a chance encounter that brings about a career opportunity or a simple discovery that...

Asthma and GERD (Does Acid Reflux Cause Asthma?)

When one thing leads to another, the end result can be for the better – like a chance encounter that brings about a career opportunity or a simple discovery that...

Nutritious foods

Supplements for Acid Reflux Related Vitamin Def...

Acid reflux is a problem that millions of people deal with every day. In fact, the chronic form of acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is estimated to affect nearly...

Supplements for Acid Reflux Related Vitamin Def...

Acid reflux is a problem that millions of people deal with every day. In fact, the chronic form of acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), is estimated to affect nearly...